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Insurance appraisals

Northern Appraisal prepares written appraisals that meet all insurance companies’ underwriting requirements. Unbiased appraisals are based on replacement cost of the item in the appropriate market for which it would likely to be replaced by the insurance company.

When you lose a piece of jewelry, you not only lose something of value but something sentimental. Nothing can replace the sentiment but the piece can be replaced. To insure your jewelry, you will need some kind of documentation of proof of ownership with an assessed value for appropriate replacement.

Jewelers can sometimes prepare vague documentation as a record of the purchase or a receipt of the sale. However, vague descriptions do not protect the consumer. In the case of a loss, insurance companies usually opt to replace your jewelry through a replacement company and pay wholesale prices to recreate your precious jewelry.

With vague descriptions and a marked up appraisal, the consumer is the one who is at risk: with high premiums and lower quality replacement merchandise. Northern Appraisal Services prepares insurance appraisals with extreme detail to help replace the piece with a replacement that is as close to the original as possible.

Our insurance appraisals include the following:

- A detailed description of the item
- A picture
- The total weight of the piece
- Metal weights
- Stone weights
- A notation of any trademarks
- Cut, color, and clarity grading of the center stone(s) plus a separate carat weight
- A separate weight and grading of side stones
- Stone measurements of the center stone
- Notations of laser inscriptions
- Identifying qualities such as florescence and condition of the item

Please call us at 614-898-7927 for an appointment. We appraise everything in front of you, while you wait. You don't have to worry about your jewelry. Multiple pieces can be dropped off in the morning and picked up at a scheduled time that day if you don't want to stay. Nothing is kept overnight. What jeweler or appraiser could do the same?